Use a credit card that provides extra cash back or points on dining out to turn restaurant meals, including takeaway and delivery, into significant rewards. A typical American household spent $3,933 on “meal away from home” in 2023, according to federal consumer spending data. When purchasing for those meals using a credit card that offered 3% back on dining out purchases, the rewards would reach $120, which, depending on the restaurant, would be enough for a couple more free dinners.
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card
Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card offers unlimited 3% cash back on dining, at grocery stores (excluding superstores like Walmart and Target), entertainment and popular streaming services. It has no annual fee and is a well-known dining card. This card has no annual fee.
This card is a good no-annual-fee credit card for folks who like to earn cash back on eating out. New card members can get a one-time $200 cash bonus after spending $500 on purchases within the first three months from account opening.
A card that offers 1.5% or 2% cash back on every purchase can be more valuable to you if you tend to use only one card rather than one for every occasion.
U.S. Bank Altitude® Go Visa Signature® Card
You might take off immediately with the Altitude Go because to its industry-leading earnings on meals and lack of foreign transaction fees.
There is no international transaction fee
Non-punitive APR
The rewards rates on a card without an annual fee are exceptionally high.
Yearly discount on qualified streaming services
charge for balance transfers
No additional reward tier for spending on entertainment
Chase Sapphire Reserve®
Chase Sapphire Reserve is known for its wealth of travel benefits, but gourmet diners will also value its top-notch dining privileges. It offers infinite 3 points for dining and travel expenses and 1 point for every dollar spent on all other transactions.
Via Chase, points can be redeemed for travel at a cost of 1.5 cents each. The card also offers a tempting sign-up incentive: By spending $4,000 on purchases during the first three months of account setup, you’ll receive 60,000 extra points. When you redeem with Chase Travel℠, you will receive $900 toward travel.
The astronomical annual cost is $550. Nevertheless, if you travel frequently, the $300 yearly travel credit and other perks of this card can offset the charge.